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Cultivating Savvy Savers

  • 2Steps
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


Arm your children with the knowledge and habits of fiscal responsibility. Saving money is not nearly as thrilling as spending, but as the parent of an 8-16-year-old, you have a golden opportunity to instill some crazy strong saving habits in your kids early on. 1. Practice Saving before Spending 2. Engage in Goal-Setting 3. Show your kids the Magic of Compound Interest By focusing on these three key savings themes, you're doing more than teaching your child about money; you're shaping their financial future. The discipline of saving before spending, the practice of goal setting, and the knowledge of compound interest are invaluable tools. As a parent, the benefits of this education extend far beyond the immediate. You're fostering a future where your child is financially savvy, independent, and equipped to make sound financial decisions. This not only means a more secure future for them but also peace of mind for you, knowing you've prepared them well for life's financial journey.

You can also join this program via the mobile app.





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